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Urban Wildlife Control - Wildlife Removal Services

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Why should you depend on a professional carpenter bee control company?

There are only a few investments in life that are as large as the investment we make in buying or building a home, and protecting it can be tricky, especially when trying to protect it from wood-damaging pests. You need the help of pest or carpenter bee control companies near your area. You must take pests seriously because they not only cause house damage but are common carriers for diseases as well. Here we will discuss how professionals can help you get rid of carpenter bees.


Are carpenter bees destructive?


Carpenter bees are a serious property threat and there is no question about it that they can wreak havoc on your home if left untreated. The tendency of the carpenter bees is quite destructive so they will not only spoil your property but will even attack you, your family, or your children. Who would want such issues?


Controlling carpenter bees is very important because they are tough to identify and hence cause dangerous consequences. They can harm you and your property. Calling the professionals is a wise solution as Pest Control Marietta GA professionals offer promising solutions and make sure to avoid the problems that carpenter bees might cause to your house or property. Some of these techniques may involve the use of chemicals as well. However, most companies do not use inhumane techniques. Let’s check out these techniques.


  1. They use a liquid spray to remove the bees. Carpenter bees are attracted to the painted wood and they make holes in the wood. Especially on the underside, they make holes to get in and out of the wood easily. They look for wood surfaces like fence posts, window frames, and others. A pest control technician will spray the liquid in these areas so the carpenter bees leave from there.


  1. The professionals also use dust products for bee holes. Carpenter bees make deep holes and the dust product should be able to reach the holes so the Pest Control Marietta GA professionals put dust products inside these bee holes.


  1. The holes need to be blocked as well. The professionals use a caulking compound or a putty so the carpenter bees do not return to your premises again.


  1. Lastly, they also use bee traps. This method is a better one and the best professionals will do so. They do not use the chemicals here. They simply trap the bees with the help of nets. Traps are designed to attract the bees. The traps have to be placed on the carpenter bee holes so the bees can be trapped easily in them.


Conclusion:- The carpenter bee control professionals offer expert treatment designed to control and prevent Carpenter Bees from invading your home. https://www.urbanwildlifecontrol.com/ use techniques that focus on finding the core of the pest concern and they make use of pest control materials that are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment. So, call them today to book an appointment and get rid of pests, carpenter bees, and other wildlife easily.


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